We pride ourselves on digital excellence and so we are delighted that Mi-Voice has been recognised as a MemberWise Official Digital Excellence (2023/24) Research Champion for their latest digital deep dive.
Running every two years this MemberWise Network digital research project asks membership-based organisations key questions to gain useful insight into digital usage within the sector.
A comprehensive questionnaire aims to identify key trends emerging through current digital activity and understand the digital needs/constraints and developments that the sector demands.
The MemberWise Network has just launched its digital-focused research project that will enable membership organisations and associations to benchmark on the following critical areas:
- Goals Challenges and Strategy
- Member Engagement Measurement/Scoring
- Online Personalisation/Automation
- Member Value and ‘Digital Only’ Memberships
- Online Services, Online Communities & Mobile Apps
- Virtual AGMs/Events/Conferences
- Online Learning, CPD and Assessment/Examinations
- Data, Web Analytics, Websites/Integration/Hosting
- CRM/Membership Databases/AMS
- Other digital-focused topics
Take part in the MemberWise Network research
We are pleased to announce that we have been formally recognised as an Official Digital Excellence (2023/24) Research Champion and we strongly encourage you to take part in this high-profile research project.
In return for completing the MemberWise Network’s online survey, you will receive an advance preview of the Digital Excellence Research Report (2023), you will be amongst the first to establish new and emerging digital-focused trends and you could also win one of two £100 Amazon vouchers.
The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and your response will remain strictly private and confidential.
Here’s a link to the MemberWise survey – https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/DX2023
We hope that you’ll take part in the research and thank you in advance for your continued help and support.